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Houzz is an online platform that lets homeowners and professionals connect, share ideas and tips, and find the necessary tools and resources to embark on home improvement projects. Despite its popularity, there is still confusion about whether or not Houzz requires payment to access its features. In this article, we’ll clarify the different services provided by Houzz and whether or not they come at a cost.

Houzz operates using a freemium model, which means that basic access to the platform is free, but users can pay to unlock additional features. Anyone can create a Houzz account for free, browse photos, and save their favorite designs to their ideabooks. However, if you want to access more advanced features, such as messaging professionals, you’ll have to pay for a Houzz Professional Membership.

Houzz Professional Membership is a subscription-based service that starts at $59.00 per month or $599.00 per year. The service allows professionals like architects, interior designers, and contractors to create a business profile on the platform and get in touch with potential clients. With a Professional Membership, professionals can showcase their portfolio, add project photos, and receive reviews from previous clients. They can also access analytics tools to monitor their online presence and track the success of their marketing efforts.

Homeowners can also pay for access to Houzz features through a Houzz Shop Membership. The Shop Membership is an annual membership that gives access to exclusive discounts and offers on home decor products. Homeowners can also use the Shop Membership to receive free shipping on all orders over $49.00 and returns for free for ninety days after purchase. The Houzz Shop Membership also comes with insider access to sales and designer exclusives.

Houzz also offers a premium feature in the form of “Houzz Pro+”. Houzz Pro+ is an advertising service for professionals that are looking for additional exposure and client leads. The program is designed to help businesses with lead generation, profile optimization, and reputation management. Houzz Pro+ helps professionals reach new clients looking for their services in their local area and boost their online presence. However, the cost for Houzz Pro+ is not publicly disclosed and depends on the needs of the professional.

In summary, Houzz has a freemium business model, which means that basic access to the platform is available for free. However, homeowners and professionals can pay for advanced access and additional features. For professionals, there is a Houzz Professional Membership that is designed to help them grow their business and reach new clients. For homeowners, there is a Houzz Shop Membership that gives access to exclusive discounts and offers. Finally, there is also a premium service called Houzz Pro+, which is an advertising service for professionals that want to grow their business using Houzz.

In conclusion, while Houzz is free to use for the most part, if you’re a homeowner or a professional that needs more advanced features, there are paid options available. Professionals looking to boost their profile and access to clients should consider getting a Professional Membership or Houzz Pro+. Homeowners can get access to exclusive discounts on home decor and furniture products with a Shop Membership. Ultimately, the cost of using Houzz depends on the needs and goals of the user.